Tag: zwitserland

Summit on Peace in Ukraine / June 2024 Ukraine peace summit / Vredesconferentie over oorlog in Oekraïne

An international peace summit in relation to the Russo-Ukrainian War, formally called the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, was held in Bürgenstock Resort in Switzerland on 15–16 June 2024.

The conference followed a series of four earlier international meetings, and was hosted by the Swiss president Viola AmherdRepresentatives from 92 nations and 8 international organizations attended the summit, while Russia did not participate.

Summit on Peace in Ukraine

Vredesconferentie over oorlog in Oekraïne

Joint Communiqué and list of supporting States and organisations (en)

Closing address by President Viola Amherd at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine

2021-06-13, Lief dagboek

Zondag; Wat eten we vandaag; Dag van de Arbeid & Hoe de arbeidersklasse vergeten wordt; G7 summit & China; Tuinweek; Dierendag; Moria; Syrië Burgeroorlog; Zeg nee tegen Monsanto! Geen toelating glyfosaat & referendum; End The Cage Age; The Sky at Night; Vroege Vogels.

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