2022-01-27, Lief dagboek
Donderdag; Wat eten we vandaag?; End cruel animal transports; Jemen; Red Het Sterrebos; Doemdagklok / Doomsday Clock; Wereldkankerdag; Zen Gardens on Mars; Holocaust Herdenking.
Wat eten we vandaag?:
#SteekJePootUit Vul de vragenlijst van de Europese Commissie in / End cruel animal transports – petition https://t.co/txJ20mhNDRhttps://t.co/kSB70YZvmd
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
#ForgottenWar #Jemen – burgeroorlog / Yemeni Civil War https://t.co/JCS1HU6D09
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
The US and arms-supplying states cannot wash their hands of responsibility for the atrocities and suffering their arms are wreaking on the civilian population in Yemen.https://t.co/Wq2zDaoWei pic.twitter.com/b2Y5Ki1tiS
#RedHetSterrebos https://t.co/O9VvJhizRa https://t.co/SbEwic8hZT
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
#TurnBacktheClock Doemdagklok / Doomsday Clock https://t.co/vush7fwn5whttps://t.co/zi5YPCIygt
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
Agenda – Zen Gardens on Mars: A Conversation with Charles Lindsay (TV webcast) https://t.co/Xf96PeElxr pic.twitter.com/smvbiufN3c
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
Agenda – #HolocaustRemembranceDay Holocaust Herdenking https://t.co/2nGCPdxrt6 pic.twitter.com/gwnERPE4V9
— Aaldrik A3 van der Veen (@a3veen) January 27, 2022
In de geschiedenis