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...welkom op de webplek van A3, een persoonlijk project om kennis op te doen en te onderhouden op het gebied van het bouwen en beheren van een webpagina.
Maandag; Wat eten we vandaag?; Aarde droogt op; Elon Musk; Schiphol; Syrië Burgeroorlog; Gaza−Israël oorlog 2023 – …; Dag tegen Corruptie; Herdenkingsdag voor Slachtoffers van Genocide; Staking bij Universiteit van Amsterdam; Rechtvaardige klimaattransitie; Europe’s Rail Operators: a Comparative Ranking.
Wat eten we vandaag:
In de geschiedenis
In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established 9 December as the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime.
The 9th of December is the anniversary of the adoption of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the “Genocide Convention”). The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the Genocide Convention and its role in combating and preventing the crime of genocide, as defined in the Convention, and to commemorate and honour its victims. In adopting the resolution, without a vote, the 193-member Assembly reiterated the responsibility of each individual State to protect its populations from genocide, which entails the prevention of such a crime, including incitement to it.
The 2024 high-level Event will be held in person at the United Nations Headquarters in New York at the Trusteeship Council Chamber on 9 December 2024, 17:00 – 19:00 CEST. It will also be live webcasted on UNTV. It will include opening remarks, followed by a panel discussion and statements from regional groups of Member States. The event is open to Member States, UN staff, civil society, media and the public.
Agenda – Gaza−Israël oorlog 2023 – … / 2023 – … Gaza−Israel conflict
Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries and undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability.
Corruption attacks the foundation of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes, perverting the rule of law and creating bureaucratic quagmires, whose only reason for existing is the soliciting of bribes. Economic development is stunted, because foreign direct investment is discouraged and small businesses within the country often find it impossible to overcome the “start-up costs” required, because of corruption. On 31 October 2003, the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption and requested that the Secretary-General designate the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as the secretariat for the Convention’s Conference of States Parties (resolution 58/4). Since then, 190 parties have committed to the Convention’s anti-corruption obligations, showing near-universal recognition of the importance of good governance, accountability, and political commitment. The Assembly also designated 9 December as International Anti-Corruption Day, to raise awareness of corruption and of the role of the Convention in combating and preventing it. The Convention entered into force in December 2005. At its twentieth anniversary and beyond, this Convention and the values it promotes are more important than ever, which requires everyone to join efforts to tackle this crime. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the Secretariat for the Convention’s Conference of the States Parties, are at the forefront of ensuring a world #UnitedAgainstCorruption. 2024 theme: ‘Uniting with Youth Against Corruption: Shaping Tomorrow’s Integrity‘.
A performing rail system is one of the cornerstones of the zero emission mobility system, rail climate potential can be maximised if train operators improve their services and the EU and Member States support them with incentives and regulations.
Transport & Environment (T&E) has launched a ranking analyzing 27 European rail operators’ key services. Overall rail operators do not deliver satisfactory services. But differences between them show that strong improvements are possible. The sector has not managed to sort things out on its own, which is why policy change is urgently needed.
Mind the gap! Europe’s Rail Operators: a Comparative Ranking
NS behoort tot de slechtste en duurste spoorwegmaatschappijen van Europa
Vrijdag de dertiende wordt door veel mensen als een ongeluksdag beschouwd, wegens de combinatie van vrijdag en dertien.
Er is een reeks speculatieve verklaringen voor vrijdag de dertiende als ongeluksdag, maar deze berusten gewoonlijk op interpretatie achteraf:
De meteorenzwerm Geminiden bereikt op vrijdag 13 december 2024, rond 23:30, zijn maximum.
De meteoren van de Geminiden zijn gemiddeld snel, gelig van kleur, vaak helder en hebben korte sporen. Wanneer de radiant in het zenit zou staan, zouden er van deze zwerm naar verwachting gemiddeld zo’n 120 meteoren per uur vallen. De radiant van de zwerm staat rond 02:30 in het hoogste punt aan de hemel, op 70° boven de horizon. Doordat de omstandigheden in onze streken niet ideaal zijn, zijn er dan naar schatting “maar” circa 32 meteoren per uur te zien van deze zwerm. Dit is nog steeds de moeite van het waarnemen waard. In totaal zijn er, door meteoren van andere zwermen en sporadische meteoren, bij donkere en heldere hemel circa 28–39 meteoren per uur zichtbaar. De Maan is voor ongeveer 95% verlicht en is een flinke stoorzender; dit jaar zijn hierdoor alleen de helderste meteoren zichtbaar. Rond 08:00 gaat het schemeren en om 08:41 komt de Zon op. Over het algemeen zijn de de meteoren van een zwerm niet alleen op de dag van het maximum zichtbaar, maar de Geminiden zijn bijzonder scherp gepiekt, en de zwerm duurt niet veel langer dan 21 uur. Een dag voor of na het maximum is nog slechts 21% van het piekaantal meteoren per uur te zien. De typische snelheden van de meteoren in deze zwerm zijn met circa 35 km/s (ongeveer 124.560 km/uur) vrij gemiddeld. Meteoren waarnemen kan zonder speciale instrumenten. Wanneer het helder is, volstaat het blote oog.
The report, ‘The Global Threat of Drying Lands: Regional and global aridity trends and future projections‘, was launched at the 16th conference of UNCCD’s nearly 200 Parties in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (COP16), the largest UN land conference to date, and the first UNCCD COP to be held in the Middle East, a region profoundly affected by impacts from aridity.
For the first time, the aridity crisis has been documented with scientific clarity, revealing an existential threat affecting billions around the globe. The analysis points to human-caused climate change as the primary driver of this shift. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, transport, industry and land use changes warm the planet and other human activities warm the planet and affect rainfall, evaporation and plant life, creating the conditions that increase aridity. Even as dramatic water-related disasters such as floods and storms intensified in some parts of the world, more than three-quarters of Earth’s land became permanently drier in recent decades, UN scientists warned today in a stark new analysis. Some 77.6% of Earth’s land experienced drier conditions during the three decades leading up to 2020 compared to the previous 30-year period, according to the landmark report from the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Over the same period, drylands expanded by about 4.3 million km2 – an area nearly a third larger than India, the world’s 7th largest country – and now cover 40.6% of all land on Earth (excluding Antarctica). In recent decades some 7.6% of global lands – an area larger than Canada – were pushed across aridity thresholds (i.e. from non-drylands to drylands, or from less arid dryland classes to more arid classes).
Most of these areas have transitioned from humid landscapes to drylands, with dire implications for agriculture, ecosystems, and the people living there. And the research warns that, if the world fails to curb greenhouse gas emissions, another 3% of the world’s humid areas will become drylands by the end of this century. In high greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, expanding drylands are forecast across the Midwestern United States, central Mexico, northern Venezuela, north-eastern Brazil, south-eastern Argentina, the entire Mediterranean Region, the Black Sea coast, large parts of southern Africa, and southern Australia. The report by UNCCD Science-Policy Interface (SPI) — the UN body for assessing the science of land degradation and drought — points to human-caused climate change as the primary driver of this shift. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, transport, industry and land use changes warm the planet and other human activities warm the planet and affect rainfall, evaporation and plant life, creating the conditions that increase aridity. Global aridity index (AI) data track these conditions and reveal widespread change over the decades.
Three-quarters of Earth’s land became permanently drier in last three decades: UN
VN: driekwart aardoppervlak is de afgelopen 30 jaar droger geworden
Zondag; Wat eten we vandaag?; Syrië Burgeroorlog; Pansexual Pride Day; Decembermoorden; Vroege Vogels.
Wat eten we vandaag:
In de geschiedenis
De Decembermoorden is de gangbare term voor het in de nacht van 7 op 8 december en op 8 december 1982 martelen en vermoorden van vijftien tegenstanders van het militaire regime van Desi Bouterse.
In Suriname en bij de Surinamers in Nederland heeft deze gebeurtenis diepe sporen achtergelaten.
De Nederlandse regering bevroor als reactie de ontwikkelingshulp aan Suriname. De slachtoffers worden jaarlijks op deze dag herdacht in Amsterdam.
Decembermoorden en Moiwana (Suriname)
Decembermoorden Suriname: Desi Bouterse 20 jaar als hoofdschuldige
Deze tijdlijn helpt je de Decembermoorden te begrijpen