...welkom op de webplek van A3, een persoonlijk project om kennis op te doen en te onderhouden op het gebied van het bouwen en beheren van een webpagina.
...welkom op de webplek van A3, een persoonlijk project om kennis op te doen en te onderhouden op het gebied van het bouwen en beheren van een webpagina.
Meerdere pro-Palestijnse organisaties hebben een nieuwe demonstratie aangekondigd op woensdag 13 november 2024 om 18:00 op de Dam, tijdens het demonstratieverbod dat tot 14 november 12:00 geldt.
Dam Square Protest against fascism and genocide
Ondanks noodverordening opnieuw demonstratie aangekondigd op de Dam
Dinsdag; Wat eten we vandaag?; Medicijntekort; fytomining; COP29 UN Climate Change Conference; Onrust in Amsterdam na Ajax – Maccabi; Wereld Vriendelijkheidsdag.
Wat eten we vandaag:
In de geschiedenis
De Tweede Kamer gaat in debat met het kabinet over de gewelddadige gebeurtenissen rond de voetbalwedstrijd tussen Ajax en Maccabi Tel Aviv, de discussie zal voor een groot deel gaan over wat de politieke partijen zien als oorzaak van het geweld tegen Israëlische supporters en Joden die op straat liepen.
Geweldsincidenten gericht op Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters in Amsterdam
Kamer debatteert over geweld in Amsterdam • Discussie over integratie
Liveblog: volg hier het Tweede Kamer-debat over geweld na Ajax – Maccabi
World Kindness Day is an international observance on 13 November, it was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations’ kindness NGOs.
It is observed in many countries, including Canada, Australia, Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates. Singapore observed the day for the first time in 2009. Italy and India also observed the day. In the UK, it is fronted by David Jamilly, who co-founded Kindness Day UK with Louise Burfitt-Dons. World Kindness Day is to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness for good which binds us. Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and location. Kindness Cards are also an ongoing activity which can either be passed on to recognize an act of kindness and or ask that an act of kindness be done. Approaches are being made to the United Nations by the peak global body, the World Kindness Movement, to have World Kindness Day officially recognized and its members unanimously sign a Declaration of Support for World Kindness.
World Kindness Day: 4 Simple Ways to Connect Through Kindness
Dinsdag; Wat eten we vandaag?; Kinderrechten; COP29 UN Climate Change Conference; Werkonderbrekingen ProRail ; Apotheken in actie; Klimaatzaak Shell; Onrust in Amsterdam na Ajax – Maccabi; Trump; Stikstofrechtszaak Greenpeace; Wereld Longontstekingsdag; Gemeente Amsterdam EXTRA Raadsvergadering.
Wat eten we vandaag:
In de geschiedenis
World Pneumonia Day (12 November) provides an annual forum for the world in the fight against pneumonia, more than 100 organizations representing the interests of children joined forces as the Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia to hold the first World Pneumonia Day on 12 November 2009.
Save The Children artist ambassadors Gwyneth Paltrow and Hugh Laurie, Charles MacCormack of Save The Children, Orin Levine of PneumoADIP, Lance Laifer of Hedge Funds vs. Malaria & Pneumonia, the Global Health Council, the GAVI Alliance, and the Sabin Vaccine Institute joined together in a call to action asking people to participate in World Pneumonia Day on 2 November. Pneumonia is a preventable and treatable disease that sickens 155 million children under 5 and kills 1.6 million each year. This makes pneumonia the number 1 killer of children under 5, claiming more lives in this age group than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.Despite the overwhelming death toll of pneumonia, it rarely receives coverage in the news media. World Pneumonia Day aims to help bring this health crisis to the public’s attention and encourages policy makers and grassroots organizers alike to combat the disease. Affordable treatment and prevention options exist against pneumonia. There are effective vaccines against the two most common bacterial causes of deadly pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae type B and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and most common viral cause of pneumonia, Orthomyxoviridae. A course of antibiotics which costs less than $1(US) is capable of curing the disease if it is started early enough. The Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia (GAPP) released by the WHO and UNICEF on World Pneumonia Day, 2009, finds that 1 million children’s lives could be saved every year if prevention and treatment interventions for pneumonia were widely introduced in the world’s poorest countries.
Maandag; Wat eten we vandaag?; EU; Aaron Swartz Day; Onrust in Amsterdam na Ajax – Maccabi; COP29 UN Climate Change Conference Baku; Werkonderbrekingen ProRail; Wapenstilstand van 11 november 1918; Klimaatweek 2024; Sint-Maartenfeest; Crisis op het spoor; Vrijgezellendag; Week of Science and Peace; Wereld Wezendag.
Wat eten we vandaag:
In de geschiedenis
Op 11 november, of de avond ervoor, wordt in sommige streken, zowel in Vlaanderen, Noord-Frankrijk als in Nederland, de naamdag van Sint-Maarten (Martinus van Tours) gevierd.
Het Sint-Maartenfee